What Sets Us Apart?
It is the first Restorative Justice Conference organized by an incarcerated responsible party, in collaboration with harmed parties and other responsible parties from affected communities, and their allies. The conference will feature speakers from Chicago, New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, and beyond. Keynote speakers/presenters share nearly 200+ years of lived
experience(s), as justice involved individuals, harmed parties, responsible parties, and practitioners in the movement. As such, they are indeed a sampling of the cross section of experts in the field.
Presentations will include, but are not limited to:
• Nontraditional methodology for community building and redress of the criminal legal system
• Reports from participating city organizers on their successes, failures, and lessons learnt
employing nontraditional approaches to criminal legal system redress and proximity violence
• Smoke Free Zones Movement™ (violent intervention/prevention initiative);
• Shifting academic paradigms in restorative justice
• Healing for the Healers who are Doing the Work
• Changing the Faces of Leadership; Micro Community Reparation proposals/initiatives
• Introduction of local organizing groups/programs/organizations.